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Special Issue
I Am A Pediatric Dentist: Why is Major Depression Among Adolescents my Concern?
1Department of General Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, NY
2Pediatric Dentistry,The Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Private pediatric dentistry practice – Lynn MA
3Director Hospital Dentistry Program, University of the Pacific, Arthur A Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA
The question, “why a pediatric dentist should be concerned about major depression among teenagers” is considered in light of reports from the National Institute of Mental Health. The results of these studies indicate that there is a progressive increase in the proportion of adolescents with a history of major depressive episodes; ranging from 6.4% among 12 year olds to 15% and 16% for 15–17 year olds. There are great variations by gender, race and ethnicity in the proportion of teenagers experiencing major depressive episodes and receiving needed care. In addition, there is an increased proportion of teenagers with disabilities who experience major depressive episodes. This combined impact is a reality for youngsters with disabilities as they pass through the teenage years into adulthood. Listing of symptoms of depression are provided to facilitate dental treatment planning, as well as well as assisting parents/guardians in seeking the overall needed care for their youngsters.
Depression, teenage, dentists
H. Barry Waldman,Steven P Perlman,Allen Wong. I Am A Pediatric Dentist: Why is Major Depression Among Adolescents my Concern?. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(4);247-249.
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