Article Type
Special Issue
Trends and Characteristics of Pediatric Dentistry Patients Treated under General Anesthesia
1,University of North Carolina School of Dentistry
2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry
3School of Dentistry and Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
*Corresponding Author(s): Michael M Milano E-mail: michael_milano@unc.edu
Purpose: The aims of this study were to describe the demographic characteristics of pediatric dentistry patients undergoing dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia (DRGA) at UNC-Chapel Hill during the last 13 years and identify factors associated with multiple (1 versus 2 or more) DRGA visits during that timeframe. Study design: Administrative claims data were used to identify children and adolescents (age <18 years) who underwent DRGA between 1/1/2002 and 12/31/2014 at the UNC Hospitals system. Information on children's age, sex and all treatment-associated CDT codes were collected. Descriptive statistics and bivariate tests of association were used for data analyses. Results: There were 4,413 DRGAs among 3,973 children (median age=4 years 8 months, males=55%) during the study period. The annual rate of DRGAs increased over time, peaking (n=447) in 2013. Overall, 9% of children had ≥2 visits with repeat rates up to 18%. There was no association between children's sex and receipt of one versus multiple DRGAs; however, craniofacial cases were more likely (p<0.0005) to have multiple DRGAs compared to non-craniofacial ones. Conclusion: DRGAs are on the increase—with the exception of craniofacial and special health care needs patients, multiple DRGAs may be reflective of sub-optimal adherence to preventive and continuing care recommendations.
children, pediatric dentistry, general anesthesia, behavior guidance, health services
Maxwell N Rudie,Michael M Milano,Michael W Roberts,Kimon Divaris. Trends and Characteristics of Pediatric Dentistry Patients Treated under General Anesthesia. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(4);303-306.
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