Article Type
Special Issue
Prevalence and Severity of Dental Caries in Foster-Care Children and Adolescents
1Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Costa Rica
*Corresponding Author(s): Chavarria-Bolaños D E-mail: danielchava2@gmail.com Daniel.chavarria@ucr.ac.cr
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of dental caries among institutionalized children and adolescents in San José, Costa Rica. Study design: This cross-sectional descriptive study included 201 children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 17 years. Participants were selected by following pre-established criteria from 33 shelters located in the province of San José, Costa Rica. The International Caries Detection Assessment System (ICDAS) method was used for caries assessment. ANOVA and Student's T-test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Caries prevalence was estimated at 96.35% among participants in the study. No significant difference was found for sex (p=0.653) or age group (p=0.349). Regarding caries severity, it was found that early enamel lesions were the most frequent pathology, representing 79.2% of decayed surfaces. Conclusions: This study found that different risk factors (social, psychological, economic, and personal) may be related to the high prevalence of dental caries in foster-care children and adolescents. Special strategies may need to be developed to prevent and treat dental caries in this vulnerable population.
foster care, institutionalized children, dental caries, ICDAS,
Solis-Riggioni A,Gallardo-Barquero C,Chavarria-Bolaños D. Prevalence and Severity of Dental Caries in Foster-Care Children and Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(4);269-272.
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