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Case Reports

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Pseudo-class III treatment with reverse traction: case report

  • Ary dos Santos-Pinto1,*,
  • Ricardo Fabris Paulin1
  • Ana Cláudia Moreira Melo1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, UNESP-Araraquara, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.521q70783h23j463 Vol.25,Issue 4,October 2001 pp.267-274

Published: 01 October 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Ary dos Santos-Pinto E-mail: XXX


The pseudo-Class III can be defined as a functional reflex of an anterior positioning of the mandible,

an acquired muscular position that simulates a mesiocclusion. The diagnosis and treatment plan of this

condition must be based on a cephalometric evaluation that provides information about the relative

contributions of the skeletal and dental components to the malocclusion. There is still great controversies

about when is the best moment to start the Class III treatment. The purpose of this article is to

describe a case report in which a Class III patient was successfully treated with reverse traction.

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Ary dos Santos-Pinto,Ricardo Fabris Paulin,Ana Cláudia Moreira Melo. Pseudo-class III treatment with reverse traction: case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(4);267-274.


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