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Penetration of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa: report of a case in a 6-year-old girl

  • Patricia DeFabianis1,*,

1Department of Odontostomatology, St. John the Baptist Hospital, University of Torino, Italy

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.1.3736570n1g2r378w Vol.26,Issue 1,January 2002 pp.29-36

Published: 01 January 2002


Reported cases of dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa are rare. Treat-ment of this injury should be individualized and should take in account the age of the patient, growth potential, the degree of glenoid fossa destruction, the risk of ankylosis and the risk of further cranial injury. In children, functional therapy is aimed at helping the restoration of posterior facial height, good occlusal relations and function. Long-term follow-up is mandatory. Surgery may be required later to correct asymmetrical growth or developing ankylosis. This article describes a case of condylar penetration into the middle cranial fossa in a six-year-old child and the treatment performed to mini-mize consequences on occlusion and facial development.


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Patricia DeFabianis. Penetration of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa: report of a case in a 6-year-old girl. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(1);29-36.


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