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Case Reports

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Primary triple teeth: histological and CT morphological study of two case reports

  • L. Aguilo1,*,
  • M. Catala1
  • A. Peydro1

1Ave. M. Cristinano 12-2, 46001 Valencia, Spain

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.1.6470j6777267w163 Vol.26,Issue 1,January 2002 pp.87-92

Published: 01 January 2002


The macromorphology and micromorphology of two specimens of primary triple teeth using histo-logical and CT analysis approach is analyzed. A single morphological pattern of triple teeth has been found and described: three nearly separate crowns with three separate pulp chambers, and three joined roots with three connected root canals. The characteristic triple teeth appearance occurred because a labial supernumerary tooth is the junction element between two teeth of normal series: the central incisor on the mesial side and the lateral incisor on the distal side. Primary triple teeth suggest an idio-phatic abnormality in the distribution of the dental material originated very soon in the dental devel-opment. They can be considered as an early double fusion between three tooth germs, initially separate but in close proximity and developing synchronically.

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L. Aguilo,M. Catala,A. Peydro. Primary triple teeth: histological and CT morphological study of two case reports. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(1);87-92.


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