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Delayed formation of a lower second premolar

  • Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho1,*,
  • Rita de Cássia Moura Carvalho Lauris1
  • Flávio Mauro Ferrari Júnior2
  • Terumi Okada Ozawa*1

1Orthodontists at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, the Post-Graduate Program in Preventative and Interceptive Orthodontics at PROFIS (Society for the Social Promotion of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients), University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil

2Post-Graduate Program in Preventative and Interceptive Orthodontics at PROFIS (Society for the Social Promotion of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients), Bauru, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.4.811nk87718648n43 Vol.28,Issue 4,October 2004 pp.299-301

Published: 01 October 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho E-mail:


Delayed odontogenesis of a lower second premolar is presented in a case treated without extraction

and focuses on the 7-year follow-up of the delayed tooth bud. The follow-up was initiated when the

crown formation was diagnosed and was finished when the tooth erupted completely into the

orthodontically provided space, which enabled the orthodontic leveling and alignment of the delayed

premolar. The long follow-up indicates that delayed tooth buds may develop completely and normally.

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Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho,Rita de Cássia Moura Carvalho Lauris,Flávio Mauro Ferrari Júnior,Terumi Okada Ozawa*. Delayed formation of a lower second premolar. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(4);299-301.


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