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Indirect Composite Onlay Restorations in Primary Molars: a clinical report

  • Patricia Villalta1
  • Luciana Butini Oliveira1
  • José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato2
  • Célia Regina Martins Delgado Rodrigues2

1Pediatric DentistryDepartment, Bioscience Research Center, Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine, Ft Lauderdale FL USA

2Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.1.h2617641215h1101 Vol.31,Issue 1,January 2007 pp.17-20

Published: 01 January 2007


The authors describe a clinical case of oral rehabilitation, in a 4-year-old patient, using indirect composite onlay

restorations. Eight severely decayed primary molars were restored. The clinical findings after 4 years demonstrated the efficiency of the technique as well as its indication in extensive restorations in Pediatric Dentistry, reestablishing func-tion and aesthetics of these primary teeth. The indirect composite onlay restorations seem to wear at rate compatible with primary tooth wear and maintain a smooth, continuous anatomic form.

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Patricia Villalta,Luciana Butini Oliveira,José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato,Célia Regina Martins Delgado Rodrigues. Indirect Composite Onlay Restorations in Primary Molars: a clinical report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(1);17-20.


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