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Occulocerebrocutaneous Syndrome: a case report

  • Lindsey L. Cohen1
  • Amber Fancher1
  • Jill E. MacLaren1
  • Crystal S. Lim1

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.1.v822105464506353 Vol.31,Issue 1,January 2007 pp.63-65

Published: 01 January 2007


Occulocerebrocutaneous syndrome is a rare condition characterized by orbital cysts and skin tags. The presence of supernumerary teeth has not previously been associated with this syndrome. A primary supernumerary tooth with a permanent supernumerary successor was found in this case. This highlights the importance of very careful examina-tion when assessing children with syndromes.

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Lindsey L. Cohen,Amber Fancher,Jill E. MacLaren,Crystal S. Lim. Occulocerebrocutaneous Syndrome: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(1);63-65.


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