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A Case of Submandibular Gland Mucocele

  • Kenya Okumura1,*,
  • Madoka Inui2
  • Minoru Nakase2
  • Shinnosuke Nakamura2
  • Kenichi Hiramoto2
  • Toshiro Tagawa2

1Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, National Mie Hospital

2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Mie University

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.3.l8605688t1g13311 Vol.31,Issue 3,May 2007 pp.207-209

Published: 01 May 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Kenya Okumura E-mail:


Submandibular Gland Mucocele:The mucocele occuring in the submandibular region is rare; most cases originate in the sublingual gland. Here, we report a rare case of mucocele originating in the submandibular gland. In this report, we present such a case in a 7-year-old boy, who was treated by an extirpation of cyst with submandibular and sublin-gual gland.

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Kenya Okumura,Madoka Inui,Minoru Nakase,Shinnosuke Nakamura,Kenichi Hiramoto,Toshiro Tagawa. A Case of Submandibular Gland Mucocele. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(3);207-209.


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