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Type 2 Dens Invaginatus in a Maxillary Lateral Incisor: A Case Report of a Conventional Endodontic Treatment

  • C M Aguiar1,*,
  • J P M G Ferreira2
  • A C Câmara3
  • J A P de Figueiredo4

1Department of Prosthetics and Oral and Facial Surgery, Professor of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

2Department of Prosthetics and Oral and Facial Surgery, Student of Endodontics Specialization Course, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

3Department of Prosthetics and Oral and Facial Surgery, Student of PhD Course in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

4Eastman Dental Institute, University College London

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.2.d2k2368275n06682 Vol.33,Issue 2,March 2009 pp.103-106

Published: 01 March 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): C M Aguiar E-mail:


Dens invaginatus is a rare malformation of the teeth resulting from the invagination of the tooth crown before biological mineralization occurs. In most cases, the thin or incomplete enamel lining of the invagination cannot prevent the entry of bacteria into the pulp, which leads to pulp necrosis with an eventual periapical inflammatory response. The treatment options include preventive sealing or filling of the invagination,root canal treatment, endodontic apical surgery and extraction. The root canal treatment of such teeth is often complicated because of their anatomical complexity. This case describes a successful non-surgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary lateral incisor with type 2 dens invaginatus with a large periradicular lesion. At follow-up examinations after 6 and 12-months, the tooth was asymptomatic and the healed lesion was evident radiographically.


calcium hydroxide, dens invaginatus, root canal treatment

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C M Aguiar,J P M G Ferreira,A C Câmara,J A P de Figueiredo. Type 2 Dens Invaginatus in a Maxillary Lateral Incisor: A Case Report of a Conventional Endodontic Treatment. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(2);103-106.


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