Article Type
Special Issue
Retentive Strength of Luting Cements for Stainless Steel Crowns:An in vitro Study
1Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, The Oxford Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bommanahalli, Hosur Road, Bangalore- 560068, Karnataka, India
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.34.4.p5h1068v41ggt450 Vol.34,Issue 4,July 2010 pp.309-312
Published: 01 July 2010
*Corresponding Author(s): Priya Subramaniam E-mail: Priya Subramaniam
The present study evaluated and compared the retentive strength of three luting cements. A total of forty five freshly extracted human primary molars were used in this study. The teeth were prepared to receive stainless steel crowns. They were then randomly divided into three groups, of fifteen teeth each, so as to receive the three different luting cements: conventional glass ionomer, resin modified glass ionomer and adhesive resin. The teeth were then stored in artificial saliva for twenty four hours. The retentive strength of the crowns was determined by using a specially designed Instron Universal Testing Machine (Model 1011). The data was statistically analyzed using ANOVA to evaluate retentive strength for each cement and Tukey test for pair wise comparison. It was concluded that retentive strength of adhesive resin cement and resin modified glass ionomer cement was significantly higher than that of the conventional glass ionomer cement.
stainless steel crowns, glass ionomer cement, resin modified glass ionomer cement, adhesive resin cement
Priya Subramaniam,Sapna Kondae,Kamal Kishore Gupta. Retentive Strength of Luting Cements for Stainless Steel Crowns:An in vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2010. 34(4);309-312.
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