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Removal of Organic Debris from Occlusal Fissures: Advantage of Carisolv System over Sodium Hypochlorite

  • Yoshishige Yamada1,*,
  • Mozammal Hossain1
  • Yuichi Kimura1
  • Yoshiko Masuda1
  • Jayanetti Asiri Jayawardena1
  • Yuya Nasu1

1Department of Endodontology, Showa University School of Dentistry, 2-1-1 Kitasenzoku, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 145-8515, Japan.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.1.84368262v2j4vu96 Vol.35,Issue 1,January 2011 pp.75-80

Published: 01 January 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Yoshishige Yamada E-mail:


The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the removal of artificial debris from pits and fissures using the Carisolv system and sodium hypochlorite. Study design: Forty artificial fissures prepared on extracted human teeth were filled with artificial organic debris. Debris was removed using either Carisolv or 10% sodium hypochlorite gel. After stereoscopic observation, samples were filled with a sealant and subjected to microleakage test. Results: Both Carisolv and sodium hypochlorite demonstrated adequate cleaning ability and prevention of microleakage. Although both Carisolv and 10% sodium hypochlorite are effective at removing debris from fissures, Carisolv presents greater advantages in terms of safety and antibacterial properties. Conclusion: Fissure cleaning using Carisolv might be an effective approach to improve the retention of fissure sealants.


fissure cleaning, Carisolv, sodium hypochlorite, microleakage test

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Yoshishige Yamada,Mozammal Hossain,Yuichi Kimura,Yoshiko Masuda,Jayanetti Asiri Jayawardena,Yuya Nasu. Removal of Organic Debris from Occlusal Fissures: Advantage of Carisolv System over Sodium Hypochlorite. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(1);75-80.


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