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Resin Replica in Enamel Deproteinization and its Effect on Acid Etching

  • Espinosa R1
  • Valencia R1,*,
  • Uribe M1
  • Ceja I1
  • Cruz J1
  • Saadia M1

1Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Health Science and Environmental Centre, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.1.u425308167271132 Vol.35,Issue 1,January 2011 pp.47-52

Published: 01 January 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Valencia R E-mail:


The goal of this in vitro study was to identify the topographical features of deproteinized (NaOCl) and etched with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) enamel surface, compared to phosphoric acid surface alone with a Resin Replica model. Materials: Ten extracted lower first and second permanent molars were polished with pumice and water, and then divided into 3 equal buccal sections having similar physical and chemical properties. The enamel surfaces of each group were subjected to the following treatments: Group A: Acid Etching with H3PO4 37% for 15 seconds. Group B: Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 5.25% for 60 seconds followed by Acid Etching with H3PO4 37% for 15 seconds. Group C; No treatment (control). All the samples were treated as follow: Adhesive and resin were applied to all groups after A, B and C treatment were performed; Then enamel/dentin decalcification and deproteinization and topographic SEM Resin Replica assessment were used to identify resin tags enamel surface quality penetration. Results showed that group B reached an area of 7.52mm2 of the total surface, with a 5.68 mm2 (73%)resin tag penetration equivalent type I and II etching pattern, 1.71 mm2 (26%) equivalent to type III etching pattern and 0.07 mm2 (1%) unaffected surface. Followed by group A with 7.48 mm2 of the total surface, with a 3.47 mm2 (46 %)resin tag penetration equivalent to type I and II etching pattern, 3.30 mm2 (45 %)equivalent to type III etching pattern and 0.71 mm2, and (9 %) unaffected surface. Group C did not show any resin tag penetration. A significant statistical difference (P <0,001) existed between groups A and B in resin quality penetration, leading to the conclusion that when the enamel is deproteinizated with 5.25% NaOCl for 1 minute prior H3PO4, the surface and topographical features of the replica resin penetration surface increases significantly with type I-II etching pattern.


Enamel, deproteinization, sodium hypochlorite, phosphoric acid, etching, resin replica, permanent teeth

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Espinosa R,Valencia R,Uribe M,Ceja I,Cruz J,Saadia M. Resin Replica in Enamel Deproteinization and its Effect on Acid Etching. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(1);47-52.


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