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Changes in Maxillary Alveolar Morphology with Nasoalveolar Molding

  • VP Sabarinath1,*,
  • Pallavi Thombare1
  • PV Hazarey1
  • Vasant Radhakrishnan1

1Reader, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Sharad Pawar Dental College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.2.f80u21362566qr34 Vol.35,Issue 2,March 2011 pp.207-212

Published: 01 March 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): VP Sabarinath E-mail:


To evaluate the changes in maxillary alveolar morphology in unilateral cleft lip palate infants treated with nasoalveolar molding(NAM). Setting and Design: Study was carried out in the orthodontic department associated with a operating cleft unit in a rural region of central India. Ten UCLP (unilateral cleft lip palate) infants less than 6 weeks of age were treated with NAM prior to surgical repair. Materials and Methods: Pre NAM and Post NAM study models of the UCLP infants were analyzed. Critical linear dimensions including inter- canine width, inter-tuberosity width, arch length and midline deviation were recorded at the different stages using a digital vernier caliper and compared. Statistical analysis were performed using SPSS 13.00 statistical software. Results: Results from this study showed that the width of the alveolar cleft showed a significant decrease with NAM. The arch length and width of the arch in the anterior region also showed a reduction with NAM. The intertuberosity width showed a statistically significant increase during treatment. The arch perimeter showed a significant increase with NAM. Conclusion: NAM was effective in reducing the severity of the initial cleft deformity mainly at the anterior portion of the maxillary arch.


Nasoalveolar molding, Presurgical infant orthopedics, Cleft lip palate infant.

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VP Sabarinath,Pallavi Thombare,PV Hazarey,Vasant Radhakrishnan. Changes in Maxillary Alveolar Morphology with Nasoalveolar Molding. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(2);207-212.


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