Article Type
Special Issue
Effect of Ozone Pretreatment on the Microleakage of Pit and Fissure Sealants.
1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Baskent University Faculty of Dentistry, 11. sok No:26 06490, Bahcelievler, ANKARA, TURKEY.
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.2.v2gn643k3774j014 Vol.35,Issue 2,March 2011 pp.187-190
Published: 01 March 2011
*Corresponding Author(s): S Burcak Cehreli E-mail: seviburcak@yahoo.com
This study investigated the effect of ozone pretreatment on the microleakage and marginal integrity of pit and fissure sealants placed with or without a self-etch 6th generation adhesive. Study Design: Freshly-extracted, human third molars were randomly assigned into two main groups (n=48): Group A: Fissures were pretreated with ozone; Group B: Fissures were left untreated. The teeth were further randomly divided into two subgroups (n=24/each) so that half of teeth were sealed with a conventional fissure sealant (Fissurit F, Voco, Germany), while the remaining half received the same sealant bonded with a self-etch adhesive (Clearfil Protect Bond, Kuraray, Japan). Following thermal cycling (1000X), the specimens were subjected to dye penetration within 0.5% basic fuchsin for 24h. The extent of dye penetration was measured by image analysis. Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for statistical analysis of the data (p=0.05). Two randomly-selected sections from each group were observed under SEM. Results: In all groups, ozone pretreatment significantly reduced the extent of microleakage (p<0.001). SEM investigation demonstrated better adaptation of the sealants in ozone-pretreated groups. Clearfil Protect Bond did not improve the marginal seal of Fissurit F (p>0.05). Conclusion: Ozone pretreatment favorably affected the marginal sealing ability of the tested fissure sealants.
Ozone, Fissure Sealant, Primary tooth, Microleakage, Dentin bonding agent
S Burcak Cehreli,Zeynep Yalcinkaya,Gunseli Guven-Polat,Zafer Cavit Çehreli. Effect of Ozone Pretreatment on the Microleakage of Pit and Fissure Sealants.. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(2);187-190.
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