Article Type
Special Issue
Esthetic Restorative Options for Pulpotomized Primary Molars: A Review of Literature
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.2.34h304265110137r Vol.36,Issue 2,March 2012 pp.123-126
Published: 01 March 2012
*Corresponding Author(s): Guelmann M E-mail: mguelmann@dental.ufl.edu
Objective: The goal of this manuscript was to review the existing literature in regards to esthetic options to restore pulpotomized primary molars. Study design: A pubmed literature search has been performed and all relevant studies were assessed. Results: Two laboratory, 3 restrospective and 4 prospective clinical studies were found, reviewed and analyzed. Conclusions: Based on the limited information available, we concluded that tooth colored and bonded restorations showed promising results as alternative materials to replace stainless steel crowns after pulpotomies in primary molars. Hybrid composites tend to perform better than compomers. Resin modified glass ionomer cements demonstrated excellent marginal seal and retention. More long-term follow up studies are necessary until more definitive recommendations can be made.
Tooth colored materials, amalgam, microleakage
Guelmann M,Shapira J,Silva D R,Fuks A B. Esthetic Restorative Options for Pulpotomized Primary Molars: A Review of Literature. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(2);123-126.
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