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Comparison of Electrosurgical Pulpotomy with Zinc Oxide Eugenol or Zinc Polycarboxylate Cements Sub-Base

  • Nematollahi H1
  • Sahebnasagh M1,*,
  • Parisay I1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.2.3527457504x6k880 Vol.36,Issue 2,March 2012 pp.133-138

Published: 01 March 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Sahebnasagh M E-mail:


Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical and radiographic success rates of electrosurgical pulpotomy of human primary molars with zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) and zinc polycarboxylate (ZPC) cements. Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 120 primary second molar teeth were treated by electrosurgical pulpotomy. Teeth were randomly assigned to two groups according to whether ZOE or ZPC cement was used as a sub-base. Teeth were restored with stainless steel crowns and were evaluated clinically and radiographically after 3, 6, and 12 months by two independent examiners. Clinical treatment outcomes and radiographic findings were statistically analyzed using Fishers' exact test with statistically significant differences defined for P < 0.05. Results: At 12 months, the clinical and radiographic success rates in the ZOE group were 98.2% and 84.2% and in the ZPC group were 96.2% and 75%, respectively (P ≯ 0.05 for all). Conclusions: The outcomes of this study suggested that either ZPC or ZOE sub-base have similar clinical and radiographic success in electrosurgical pulpotomy.


Pulpotomy; Tooth; Molars; electrosurgical pulpotomy; Zinc Oxide Eugenol cement; zinc polycarboxylate cement

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Nematollahi H,Sahebnasagh M,Parisay I. Comparison of Electrosurgical Pulpotomy with Zinc Oxide Eugenol or Zinc Polycarboxylate Cements Sub-Base. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(2);133-138.


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