Article Type
Special Issue
Eating Disorders and their Implications on Oral Health – Role of Dentists
1Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vyas Dental College and Hospital
2Department of Pediatric and Preventive Children Dentistry, Vyas Dental College and Hospital
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.2.3785414p682843wj Vol.36,Issue 2,March 2012 pp.155-160
Published: 01 March 2012
*Corresponding Author(s): Vivek P E-mail: vivek_pdr@rediffmail.com
Eating disorders (EDs) are primary psychological conditions, often associated with severing medical complications. EDs are characterized by perturbed eating behavior patterns. Their increasing incidence and prevalence is causing concerns to healthcare professionals. Because eating disorders are a complex issue, a multidisciplinary approach to treatment is required and this team includes Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Nutritionists.The purpose of this paper is to review the role of the dentists especially the pediatric dentist and orthodontist in identifying oral manifestations of EDs, which may be utilized for oral diagnosis, referral and management of underlying psychiatric condition and also secondary oral conditions.
Eating disorders, Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia
Kavitha PR,Vivek P,Hegde AM. Eating Disorders and their Implications on Oral Health – Role of Dentists. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(2);155-160.
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