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Special Issue
Validity and Reliability of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances Frequency Scale: A Cross-Sectional Survey among Adolescents
1Department of Public Health Dentistry, JSS Dental College, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author(s): Thippeswamy HM E-mail: dentisttips@gmail.com
To examine reliability and validity of an abbreviated version of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) questionnaire and to analyze the interrelationship among OIDP scores, socio-demographic characteristics and oral health status among 12-15 year old adolescents in Davanagere city, Karnataka, India. Method: The descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted among 900 adolescents aged between 12–15 years. The study subjects were randomly selected from six high schools. Selected subjects completed a survey instrument designed to measure subjective oral health indicators including the eight-item OIDP frequency scores. The study participants were clinically examined for dental caries and completed a self-administered questionnaire about demographic information and oral behaviors. Results: 44% of the students reported at least one oral impact in the last six months. Cronbach’s alpha for the OIDP frequency items was 0.81. Eating was the most common performance affected (33%) followed by cleaning teeth (22%) and speaking (20%). The severity of impacts was low for relaxing and carrying out works. Conclusion: The OIDP frequency score have acceptable psychometric properties in the context of an oral health survey among 12-15 year old adolescents.
OIDP, dental caries, self reported, oral health measures
Usha GV,Thippeswamy HM,Nagesh L. Validity and Reliability of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances Frequency Scale: A Cross-Sectional Survey among Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(3);251-256.
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