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Orocraniofacial Findings and Dental Management of a Pediatric Patient with Dubowitz Syndrome

  • Garrocho-Rangel JA1,*,
  • Bueno-Rubio GA1
  • Martínez-Sandoval B1
  • Ruiz-Rodríguez MS1
  • Santos-Diaz MA1
  • Pozos-Guillén AJ1

1Pediatric Dentistry Posgraduate Program, Facultad de Estomatología, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.37.2.y5w316j142314073 Vol.37,Issue 2,March 2013 pp.203-206

Published: 01 March 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): Garrocho-Rangel JA E-mail:


Dubowitz syndrome is a rare genetic condition characterized by microcephaly, dysmorphic facial features and delayed general growth. It is transmitted through autosomal recessive inheritance. The purpose of this report is to describe the oral, craniofacial and systemic characteristics of a 7-year 11-month-old boy with Dubowitz syndrome and the dental management provided. The pediatric dentist should possess the ability to recognize this rare alteration, to provide dental treatment and to refer for the necessary medical and multidisciplinary treatment.


Dubowitz syndrome, orocraniofacial findings, dental management

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Garrocho-Rangel JA,Bueno-Rubio GA,Martínez-Sandoval B,Ruiz-Rodríguez MS,Santos-Diaz MA,Pozos-Guillén AJ. Orocraniofacial Findings and Dental Management of a Pediatric Patient with Dubowitz Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2013. 37(2);203-206.


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