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Salivary pH Levels and Caries among Siblings and Parents within Families

  • Basch Y1
  • Peretz B2,*,

1Maurice and Gabriela School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Maurice and Gabriela School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.2.90764500t2703188 Vol.38,Issue 2,March 2014 pp.129-132

Published: 01 March 2014

*Corresponding Author(s): Peretz B E-mail:


Background: High level of caries activity is related to organisms in the dental plaque with high acidogenesis capacity. Aim: To test salivary pH in children of the same family and compare it with their caries status. To compare pH levels between children and their parents. To examine the relationship between pH and caries status among children of the same family and their parents. Study design: We examined 123 children and adolescents aged 3-18, (73 boys and 50 girls) and 33 adults, (12 men and 21 women), parents of these children. Caries status was examined clinically, using DMF index. Salivary pH measurements were made by a digital pH meter. Results: Among adults, increase in patient age led to increased DMF (p = 0.005). The higher the pH, the lower the DMF (p = 0.037). Among men, DMF was lower by 3 compared to women (p = 0.049). Children's pH correlated with the parents’ (p = 0.004). Children's DMF correlated to their pH (p = 0.001). Children's pH was the best predictor of their DMF (R2 = 0.309, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Among children, the higher the pH, the lower the DMFT. Children's pH was the best predictor of their DMF.


Caries, children, salivary pH

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Basch Y,Peretz B. Salivary pH Levels and Caries among Siblings and Parents within Families. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014. 38(2);129-132.


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