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Root fracture healing outcome after a revascularization procedure: an 8-year follow-up case report

  • Sawsan T Abu Zeid1,2,*,
  • Hadeel Y Edrees1

1Endodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2Endodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Egypt

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2022.012 Vol.46,Issue 5,September 2022 pp.88-93

Published: 01 September 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Sawsan T Abu Zeid E-mail:


Pulp revascularization is the traditional protocol for treating immature necrotic teeth; however, it is not the usual management practice for traumatized teeth with horizontal root fracture. This is a case report of an 11-year-old patient subjected to trauma that occurred four years prior to treatment. The trauma led to horizontal root fracture in tooth #11, and the immature tooth #21 became necrotic with periapical radiolucency. Both teeth were treated with revascularization procedures. Each tooth was disinfected with triple antibiotic paste and a coronal seal using mineral trioxide aggregate. During the eight-year follow-up using periapical radiograph and cone beam computed tomography, tooth #21 showed periapical repair with apical closure. The fractured rooted tooth #11 was functional and asymptomatic, with evidence of bone growth inside the fracture line. From this case outcome, revascularization can be a successful treatment modality for traumatized teeth that have either root fracture or necrotic open apex.


Immature root; Open apex tooth; Revascularization; Root fracture; Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)

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Sawsan T Abu Zeid,Hadeel Y Edrees. Root fracture healing outcome after a revascularization procedure: an 8-year follow-up case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2022. 46(5);88-93.


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