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Parents' perceptions and concerns regarding pediatric dental care under general anesthesia in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia): a cross-sectional study

  • Jawza Alfarraj1,*,
  • Sama Alsaad2
  • Rawan Alturki3
  • Faisal S Alshehri4
  • Parameaswari P J5

1Pediatric Dentistry, Specialized Dentistry Department, King Fahad Medical, 12231 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Department, King Saud Medical, 12746 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

3Dental, Hail University, 81451 Hail, Saudi Arabia

4Department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry, Tabuk Specialist Dental center, General Directorate of Health affairs in Tabuk, 71421 Tabouk, Saudi Arabia

5Research Support Department, Research and Innovation Center, Trauma Registry Department King Saud Medical City, Ministry of Health, 12746 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2022.030 Vol.47,Issue 1,January 2023 pp.27-35

Submitted: 12 July 2022 Accepted: 21 September 2022

Published: 03 January 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Jawza Alfarraj E-mail:


The prevalence of dental caries in Saudi children is estimated to be 80% for primary dentition and 70% for permanent dentition. Dental treatment under general anesthesia (GA) might be recommended for children with uncooperative behavior or complicated dental treatment requirements. Despite its advantages, some parents have concerns regarding this approach. Nonetheless, little is known about Saudi parents’ perceptions and concerns regarding pediatric dental treatment under GA. The main objective of this study was to determine parents’ concerns and perceptions on pediatric dental treatment under GA in Saudi Arabia. It is a cross-sectional survey study. The inclusion criteria were: Arabic-speaking parents of healthy children aged 1–14 years referred to GA screening for dental treatment in a hospital. The final study cohort comprised 319 participants. The first part of the questionnaire included the children’s and parents’ demographic and clinical input, while the second part comprised the parents’ perceptions and concerns. The survey was distributed in the dental office during GA screening visits. Our findings revealed that most parents were concerned about possible GA-related complications (78%), followed by postoperative pain (51%), intravenous line and cannula (49%) and coma or death (46%). This study highlights that most Saudi parents were concerned about the use of GA in pediatric dental treatment and the need for more awareness regarding the risks, benefits and expected outcomes of pediatric dental care under GA.


Pediatric dental care; General anesthesia; Parental concerns; Cross-sectional

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Jawza Alfarraj,Sama Alsaad,Rawan Alturki,Faisal S Alshehri,Parameaswari P J. Parents' perceptions and concerns regarding pediatric dental care under general anesthesia in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia): a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2023. 47(1);27-35.


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