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Local anesthesia with SleeperOne S4 computerized device vs traditional syringe and perceived pain in pediatric patients: a randomized clinical trial

  • Marina Consuelo Vitale1
  • Simone Gallo1
  • Maurizio Pascadopoli1,*,
  • Roberto Alcozer1
  • Claudio Ciuffreda1
  • Andrea Scribante1

1Unit of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Section of Dentistry, Department of Clinical, Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.002 Vol.47,Issue 1,January 2023 pp.82-90

Submitted: 27 September 2022 Accepted: 02 December 2022

Published: 03 January 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Maurizio Pascadopoli E-mail:


Local anesthesia is performed in dentistry before clinical procedures to avoid pain. Children can show fear at the sight of the needle and pain at its insertion. To make local anesthesia more comfortable, the use of computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD) systems has been developed to control the flow rate of the anesthetic solution injected through the needle. The aim of the present research is to evaluate and compare the discomfort felt by patients using a traditional syringe and the CCLAD system SleeperOne®, by considering pain, size sensation, bitterness, and vomit. 30 patients were included in the study and randomly assigned to traditional anesthesia or CCLAD. After injection, patients were assessed for the abovementioned outcomes. A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) from 0 to 10 scores was used. As far as pain is concerned, statistically lower mean values were found in the Trial group (p < 0.05). Instead, concerning size, bitterness and vomit perceptions, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups (p > 0.05). Linear regressions were calculated considering technique, quadrant, dental arch, tooth, dentition, sex, and age as independent variables. The technique has shown to have a significant influence on pain (p < 0.05), with lower values for SleeperOne® device. Pain resulted significantly influenced by the type of dentition (p < 0.05), with higher scores for deciduous one. Moreover, perceived pain decreased with the increase of the age of patients (p < 0.05). At last, bitterness perception scores resulted to be higher for primary first molars (p < 0.05). SleeperOne® device seems to be a valid support for the reduction of pain related to anesthetic injection, especially in children. Further studies should evaluate CCLADs’ uses combined with lidocaine preanesthetic as well as with conscious sedation through nitrous oxide in order to determine possible synergistic effects between these procedures.


Local anesthesia; Pediatric patients; Pedodontics; SleeperOne; Computerized local anesthesia device; Visual analogue scale

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Marina Consuelo Vitale,Simone Gallo,Maurizio Pascadopoli,Roberto Alcozer,Claudio Ciuffreda,Andrea Scribante. Local anesthesia with SleeperOne S4 computerized device vs traditional syringe and perceived pain in pediatric patients: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2023. 47(1);82-90.


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