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Influence of pretreatment exposure to pediatric dental care using the “Tiny dentist'' game on 4–7 years old children's pain and anxiety: a parallel randomised clinical trial

  • Viral Maru1,*,
  • Rucha Shivajirao Bhise Patil2
  • Sujata Kumari3
  • Saumya Tiwari4
  • Salil Bapat5

1Navneet Jain Health Centre, 400028 Mumbai, India

2D Y Patil School of Dentistry, 400706 Navi Mumbai, India

3Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, JLNMCH, 812001 Bhagalpur, India

4Government Dental College & Hospital, 400001 Mumbai, India

5Department of Public Health Dentistry, Hospital and Research Center, SMBT Dental College, 422608 Ghulewadi, India

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.058 Vol.47,Issue 5,September 2023 pp.96-102

Submitted: 25 January 2023 Accepted: 27 March 2023

Published: 03 September 2023

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Behavior Management in Pediatric Dentistry)

*Corresponding Author(s): Viral Maru E-mail:


There have been no experiments on interactive modelling through computer games, although there have been a few on modelling a pre-exposure method for managing anxiety among preschoolers. The impact of partaking in a dental simulation game prior to the dental treatment on pain and anxiety in kids aged 4 to7 years during their first appointment was studied. A total of 156 kids who required unilateral pulp therapy and preformed crowns on their mandibular primary molars were enrolled in this double-blind, randomized clinical trial. They were then randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The intervention group engaged in the game three times/day for 07 days prior to the anticipated appointment. The Wong-Baker Faces Rating Scale (WBFRS) was used to record their pre- and post-operative pain experienced during the dental procedure. Additionally, a finger pulse oximeter was used to record heart rate (HR) at each of the six treatment phases: baseline (the first session, two weeks prior to treatment) and stages 2–6. Playing video games considerably lowered the heart rate. Playing and the treatment period interacted in a major way. On comparing the groups at every time point, the intervention group displayed lower HR during injection, tooth preparation with an air-rotor and biomechanical preparation with endodontic rotary files.The results suggest that engaging in specific dental simulation games prior to the 1st dentist visit could help preschoolers feel less anxious during routine dental operations.


Preschoolers; Dental simulation game; Pain; Anxiety

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Viral Maru,Rucha Shivajirao Bhise Patil,Sujata Kumari,Saumya Tiwari,Salil Bapat. Influence of pretreatment exposure to pediatric dental care using the “Tiny dentist'' game on 4–7 years old children's pain and anxiety: a parallel randomised clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2023. 47(5);96-102.


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