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Case Reports

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Two-phase orthodontic treatment of a patient with a low-angle skeletal class II malocclusion: a 7-year follow-up

  • Xuemin Fan1,2
  • Shanbao Fang1
  • Zhixing Chen1,2
  • Shuixue Mo1,*,

1Department of Orthodontics, College of Stomatology, Guangxi Medical University, 530021 Nanning, Guangxi, China

2College of Stomatology, Guangxi Medical University, 530021 Nanning, Guangxi, China

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.092 Vol.47,Issue 6,November 2023 pp.178-184

Submitted: 07 August 2022 Accepted: 08 November 2022

Published: 03 November 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Shuixue Mo E-mail:


Low-angle skeletal class II malocclusions are often observed with sagittal and vertical developmental abnormalities of the mandible. Two-phase orthodontic treatment of functional orthopedic therapy combined with fixed correction is one of the most common methods to treat of skeletal class II malocclusions. This case report describes the two-phase orthodontic treatment of a patient with severe low-angle skeletal class II malocclusion. A Twin Block orthodontic appliance was used to improve mandibular growth, and the adjustment of the occlusal relationship using a fixed appliance after functional therapy. After treatment, a significant improvement was observed in the patient’s facial appearance and occlusal relationship. Additionally, a 7-year follow-up confirmed the stability of the treatment results. Although a vertical facial growth direction is difficult to control, the Twin Block orthodontic appliance in adolescents might effectively improve the difference in the sagittal growth of the mandible. Whilst the growth pattern could not be fully controlled, the treatment significantly improved the patient’s facial profile and occlusion.


Two-phase orthodontic treatment; Skeletal class II malocclusion; Low-angle

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Xuemin Fan,Shanbao Fang,Zhixing Chen,Shuixue Mo. Two-phase orthodontic treatment of a patient with a low-angle skeletal class II malocclusion: a 7-year follow-up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2023. 47(6);178-184.


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