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Timing for extraction of permanent first molars in school aged children: a pilot study

  • Meltem Bakkal1,*,
  • Berza Yilmaz2
  • Mustafa Sarp Kaya1
  • Tugba Unver3
  • Pinar Kinay Taran1
  • Serife Ozdemir1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Bezmialem Vakif University, 34083 Istanbul, Turkey

2Department of Orthodontics, Bezmialem Vakif University, 34083 Istanbul, Turkey

3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Istanbul Galata University, 34430 Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.010 Vol.48,Issue 1,January 2024 pp.78-84

Submitted: 26 April 2023 Accepted: 29 June 2023

Published: 03 January 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Meltem Bakkal E-mail:


Extraction of permanent first molars (P1Ms) could create gaps, tipping and/or rotating of neighboring teeth, which depend on the extraction timing. This study evaluated the outcomes of P1Ms extraction in children who were classified based on their permanent second molar’s (P2Ms) dental calcification at the time of extraction. In this retrospective study, the evaluations were made for 406 panoramic radiographs (PRs) of children aged 7–14 years who had single P1M extracted. Twenty-nine children having pre- and post-treatment PRs were selected based on the inclusion criteria. First, 2 groups were formed based on the extraction time by using the pre-treatment PRs; Early extraction group (EE)(n = 15) including Nolla Grades 5–6–7, and late extraction group (LE) (n = 14) including Nolla Grades 8–9–10 for P2Ms. Then, the inclination degrees of neighbouring teeth on extraction side and contralateral quadrant (non-extraction) side were measured by using the post-extraction PRs. Mann-Whitney U test was employed, and the statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The mesial tipping tendency of P2M was significant towards the extraction side both at EE or LE calcification grades of P2Ms (p > 0.05). The mesial inclination degrees of maxillary P2Ms showed no statistically significant difference between the two sides of LE group. The ideal extraction time should be determined according to the dental age to plan an appropriate occlusal maintenance.


Dental age; Calcification grades; Molar extraction; Permanent first molars; Nolla’s method

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Meltem Bakkal,Berza Yilmaz,Mustafa Sarp Kaya,Tugba Unver,Pinar Kinay Taran,Serife Ozdemir. Timing for extraction of permanent first molars in school aged children: a pilot study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(1);78-84.


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