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Digitally driven surgical guide planning

  • Chenchen Zhang1
  • Chi Song1
  • Dong Wang1
  • Tingyi Gao1
  • Jie Li1
  • Dongkun Yang1
  • Chang Liu1
  • Yue Du1
  • Kai Zhang1,*,

1Department of Stomatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, 233004 Bengbu, Anhui, China

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.014 Vol.48,Issue 1,January 2024 pp.128-137

Submitted: 18 April 2023 Accepted: 15 June 2023

Published: 03 January 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Kai Zhang E-mail:


To investigate the role of a fully digital process in the surgical treatment of mandibular fractures in children. We analyzed a complete dataset from 22 children with mandibular fractures treated with digital surgical assistance. The patient’s treatment process included preoperative thin layer CT (Computed Tomography) scanning, computer-aided design (3D reconstruction, virtual reduction, and internal fixation device determination and shaping), and 3D printing (jaw model, bite plate). We used occlusal and shaping plates during surgery to assist in fracture reduction and fixation. During the follow-up, we observed the occurrence of fracture healing, occlusal relationships, opening degrees, and complications in pediatric patients after surgery. Next, we used the 3D overlay function of MIMICS software to compare the preoperative surgical design with postoperative jaw imaging data to evaluate the overall surgical effect. The postoperative imaging data showed good fracture healing, normal occlusion during follow-up, and significant improvement in opening degrees. The mean preoperative opening degree was 23.59± 2.89 mm, and the mean postoperative opening degree was 29.82 ± 1.79 mm; there was a significant difference between these two parameters (p < 0.05). There were no complications such as tooth germ injury, nerve injury or fracture block displacement. The postoperative mandibular imaging data was imported into MIMICS software for 3D overlay visualization, and the postoperative mandibular morphology recovery was well-matched with the preoperative design. We measured the average upper deviation (0.65 ± 0.09) mm and the average lower deviation (−0.57 ± 0.14) mm. The fully digital process has a precise, minimally invasive, and safe effect in the surgical treatment of mandibular fractures in children, and the clinical effect is satisfactory.


Digital surgery; Children; Mandibular fracture; Surgical treatment

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Chenchen Zhang,Chi Song,Dong Wang,Tingyi Gao,Jie Li,Dongkun Yang,Chang Liu,Yue Du,Kai Zhang. Digitally driven surgical guide planning. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(1);128-137.


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