Article Type
Special Issue
Comparison between effects of mini-implant anchorage and face-bow anchorage in orthodontics for children
1Department of Renmin South Road Outpatient, Sinopharm (Hubei) Stomatological Hospital Co., LTD, 422300 Shiyan, Hubei, China
2Department of Zhuankou Outpatient, Sinopharm (Hubei) Stomatological Hospital Co., LTD, 430056 Wuhan, Hubei, China
3Department of Orthodontics, Sinopharm (Hubei) Stomatological Hospital Co., LTD, 422300 Shiyan, Hubei, China
4Department of Hanjiang Outpatient, Sinopharm (Hubei) Stomatological Hospital Co., LTD, 422300 Shiyan, Hubei, China
DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.022 Vol.48,Issue 1,January 2024 pp.198-203
Submitted: 31 August 2023 Accepted: 10 October 2023
Published: 03 January 2024
*Corresponding Author(s): Zhouwen Hou E-mail: hzw_dr07@163.com
† These authors contributed equally.
To study the values of mini-implant anchorage in orthodontics for children in the mixed dentition stage, 78 children in the mixed dentition stage who had accepted orthodontic treatment in our hospital from January 2020 to January 2021 were enrolled into this study. All children were treated with straight-wire appliance. According to their anchorages, children were divided into observation group and control group based on the random number table. Children in the control group used face-bow to control the anchorages and children in the observation group used mini-implants to control the anchorages. After treatment, the upper central incisor convex distance difference, inclination angle of the upper central incisor, displacement of the molar, gingival health, masticatory function, treatment effect and adverse reaction rate of children in two groups were compared. One year after treatment, compared with children in the control group, children in the observation group had smaller the upper central incisor convex distance difference, inclination angle of the upper central incisor, displacement of the molar, small scores of plaque index (PLI), bleeding index (BI) and gingival index (GI), stronger biting force and higher masticatory efficiency, lower adverse reaction rate during treatment, better treatment effect, higher satisfaction of orthodontic treatment. And differences of all the above indexes were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Mini-implant anchorages have good stability and directive force, and have certain values in orthodontics for children in the mixed dentition stage.
Orthodontics treatment; Children in the mixed dentition stage; Mini-implant anchorage; Face-bow anchorage
Zhouwen Hou,Xiaowei Qu,Lei Hou,Fuying Ren. Comparison between effects of mini-implant anchorage and face-bow anchorage in orthodontics for children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(1);198-203.
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