Article Type
Special Issue
Oral self-inflicted accidental trauma in patients with neurological disorders: a case report of dental management in infants with cerebellar hypoplasia
1Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, 00165 Rome, Italy
2Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Orthopaedic Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy
DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.048 Vol.48,Issue 2,March 2024 pp.196-203
Submitted: 10 July 2023 Accepted: 10 August 2023
Published: 03 March 2024
*Corresponding Author(s): Martina Caputo E-mail: martina.caputo@opbg.net
Self-inflicted oral injuries, accidental or otherwise, can cause major consequences. Measures need to be taken to protect individuals from chronic self-injurious behaviour; however, there are no official guidelines on the subject. The purpose of this article is to show the case of a 1-year-old patient with neurological disorders who, following the eruption of deciduous teeth, had self-inflicted a traumatic ulcer on his tongue and lower lip. Following a multidisciplinary approach involving several operating units of our hospital to make a diagnosis, an oral device was designed to completely cover the dental elements to prevent recurrence of the trauma and to prevent further worsening of the injuries already caused. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that although the surgical approach, such as extraction of the dental elements, may be the quickest solution in situations similar to the one presented, the high biological cost and irreversibility of the result lead to seeking alternatives and more conservative solutions such as the one described.
Self-inflicted trauma; Oral cavity; Neurological
Angela Galeotti,Francesco Aristei,Alessandra Putrino,Silvia Vallese,Lorenzo Figà-Talamanca,Giulia Vallogini,Annelyse Martine Garret-Bernardin,Paola Festa,Fabio Magliarditi,Martina Caputo. Oral self-inflicted accidental trauma in patients with neurological disorders: a case report of dental management in infants with cerebellar hypoplasia. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(2);196-203.
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