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Comparative evaluation of probiotic solutions on surface roughness and microhardness of different restorative materials and enamel

  • Ozcan Karatas1,*,
  • Ebru Delikan2
  • Ayse Tugba Erturk Avunduk3

1Department of Restorative Dentistry, Nuh Naci Yazgan University, 38170 Kayseri, Turkey

2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nuh Naci Yazgan University, 38170 Kayseri, Turkey

3Department of Restorative Dentistry, Mersin University, 32133 Mersin, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.064 Vol.48,Issue 3,May 2024 pp.107-119

Submitted: 07 August 2023 Accepted: 20 October 2023

Published: 03 May 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Ozcan Karatas E-mail:


This research study aimed to investigate the impact of probiotic mouthwash and kefir on the surface characteristics, specifically surface roughness and microhardness, of different restorative materials, as well as permanent and deciduous tooth enamels. Thirty disc-shaped specimens were prepared from composite resin (G-ænial Posterior (GP)), polyacid-modified composite resin (compomer) (Dyract-XP (DXP)), and resin-modified glass ionomer cement (Ionoseal (IS)). Additionally, thirty specimens of enamel were obtained from permanent teeth (PT) and thirty from deciduous teeth (DT) by embedding buccal and lingual sections, acquired through vertical sectioning of 15 permanent and 15 deciduous human tooth crowns in the mesiodistal orientation within acrylic resin blocks. The specimens were then categorized into three distinct groups and immersed for 14 days in one of the following solutions: distilled water, kefir or probiotic mouthwash. The mean surface roughness values of all specimens were assessed using an atomic force microscope, while the mean surface microhardness was measured using a Vickers hardness measuring instrument. The results revealed a statistically significant difference in mean surface roughness among the various restorative materials (p < 0.001). Among the restorative materials, the IS material exhibited notably higher mean surface roughness values than other restorative materials and tooth enamel, while no significant differences were observed between the PT and DT groups. Importantly, the main effect of the solutions under investigation was not statistically significant (p = 0.208). No significant difference was found between the surface roughness values of specimens subjected to the different solutions. When evaluating the effects of materials and solutions on microhardness, the main effects of material and solution variables and the influence of material-solution interactions were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Taken together, these results indicate that consistent use of kefir or probiotic mouthwashes may impact the surface properties of various restorative materials and tooth enamel.


Atomic force microscopy; Microhardness; Probiotic mouthwash; Surface roughness

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Ozcan Karatas,Ebru Delikan,Ayse Tugba Erturk Avunduk. Comparative evaluation of probiotic solutions on surface roughness and microhardness of different restorative materials and enamel. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(3);107-119.


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