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Diurnal variation of salivary anaerobes correlates severe dental caries in children

  • Shinya Nishide1,2,3,*,
  • Hirohisa Hongou4
  • Toshihiro Yoshihara2
  • Takashi Kanehira4
  • Yasutaka Yawaka2

1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, 061-0293 Ishikari, Japan

2Dentistry for Children and Disabled Person, Department of Oral Functional Science, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, 060-0813 Sapporo, Japan

3Department of Biology, Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, 061-0293 Ishikari, Japan

4Preventive Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Science, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, 060-0813 Sapporo, Japan

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.097 Vol.49,Issue 1,January 2025 pp.41-46

Submitted: 21 May 2024 Accepted: 23 July 2024

Published: 03 January 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Shinya Nishide E-mail:


Background: Salivary secretion has diurnal fluctuations and the saliva amount affects oral bacterial activity. In this study, the time dependence of number of anaerobic bacteria in saliva such as Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) was investigated and examined its impact on caries severity. Methods: This study was conducted at university hospital in Japan. Twenty subjects (2–10 years old) with the primary dentition were asked to collect whole saliva every 1 hour after the supper while awake at home. Eighteen subjects delivered the collected saliva, which was cultured for S. mutans and total anaerobes in trypticase-yeast extract-cysteine sucrose-bacitracin (TYCSB) medium and the Gifu anaerobic medium (GAM), respectively. The numbers of severe dental caries were also analyzed from medical records. Results: A positive correlation was found between the number of colonies in GAM medium and the saliva collection time of the day. No significant correlation was observed between the number of colonies in TYCSB medium and the collection time. The patients were grouped based on whether or not they had experienced pulp treatment. The number of colonies of S. mutans and anaerobic bacteria were increased in the later hours of only the experienced group. Conclusions: The number of oral anaerobic bacteria of children fluctuated in time-dependent manner after dinner to bedtime, and was higher late in the night. Children with severe dental caries had increased S. mutans as the night progressed, whereas children without them did not.


Dental caries; Circadian rhythms; Salivary anaerobes; Streptococcus mutans

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Shinya Nishide,Hirohisa Hongou,Toshihiro Yoshihara,Takashi Kanehira,Yasutaka Yawaka. Diurnal variation of salivary anaerobes correlates severe dental caries in children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2025. 49(1);41-46.


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