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Comparative evaluation of clinical efficacy and volumetric changes in pulpectomized primary molars using hand K-file, ProTaper rotary file, and Kedo-SG blue file: an in-vitro cone beam computed tomography analysis

  • Satish Vishwanathaiah1,*,

1Department of preventive dental sciences, Division of pedodontics, College of Dentistry, Jazan university, 45142 Jazan, Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.108 Vol.48,Issue 5,September 2024 pp.95-101

Submitted: 28 November 2023 Accepted: 15 March 2024

Published: 03 September 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Satish Vishwanathaiah E-mail:


The accomplishment of a successful pulpectomy depends on multiple factors that involve targeted removal of the causative irritants and soft and hard tissue debris by mechanical and chemical means. Compare and evaluate the efficacy of canal preparation and volumetric filling using conventional files and two rotary file systems using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Thirty freshly extracted human primary second molars were randomly divided into three groups of 10 teeth each. After access opening and working length determination, pre-operative volume analysis was done using CBCT. The canals were then instrumented by either hand K-files, ProTaper rotary files or Kedo-SG Blue rotary files. Post-operative volume analysis was performed using CBCT. All the canals were obturated using Metapex and scanned again using CBCT. Mean values of the pre- and post-operative canal volumes were analyzed using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Inter- and intra-group volumetric changes were analyzed statistically using a post hoc test. The mean difference in volume after canal preparation and obturation was the highest in the Kedo-SG Blue group, followed by the ProTaper group and the least in the hand K group (p = 0.001). Inter-group comparison showed statistically significant differences between the hand K group and ProTaper group (p = 0.001), the ProTaper group and Kedo-SG Blue group (p = 0.001), and the hand-K group and Kedo-SG Blue group (p = 0.02). The volume of preparation and obturation was the highest using Kedo-SG Blue, followed by the ProTaper file systems.


Cone beam computed tomography; Post obturation volume; Primary molar; Rotary files

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Satish Vishwanathaiah. Comparative evaluation of clinical efficacy and volumetric changes in pulpectomized primary molars using hand K-file, ProTaper rotary file, and Kedo-SG blue file: an in-vitro cone beam computed tomography analysis. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(5);95-101.


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