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Effectiveness of a needle-free local anesthetic technique compared to the traditional syringe technique for the restoration of young permanent molars: a single-blind randomized clinical trial

  • Nassreen H Albar1,†
  • Prabhadevi C Maganur2,*,†,
  • Areej Ali Hasan Alsaeedi3
  • Basmah Hakam Ali Mahdi3
  • Shroog Ali Almasoudi3
  • Suman Panda2
  • Ahad Hasan M Gharawi3
  • Hind Taher Modrba3
  • Reem Hassan Kelani3
  • Lamis Yahya Muthaffar3
  • Mohammed B Hakami3
  • Satish Vishwanathaiah2,*,†,

1Restorative Dentistry Department, College of Dentistry, Jazan University, 45142 Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Jazan University, 45142 Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3College of Dentistry, Jazan University, 45142 Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.131 Vol.48,Issue 6,November 2024 pp.107-116

Submitted: 02 April 2024 Accepted: 11 May 2024

Published: 03 November 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Prabhadevi C Maganur E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Satish Vishwanathaiah E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


The sensation of pain can elevate anxiety levels, establishing a cyclical pattern that may result in the avoidance or premature termination of dental procedures. Previous endeavors employing various methods and products have produced varied outcomes. Jet injection systems, employing high pressure and velocity to deliver anesthesia without needles, offer a non-invasive option for local anesthesia administration. To assess and measure pain perception levels in a pediatric population during the restoration of young permanent teeth, comparing a needle-free injection system with the traditional dental needle method. Sixty participants with young permanent first molars requiring indirect pulp capping were enrolled, all under the care of a single operator. A simple randomization method was employed, utilizing sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes to allocate participants into two intervention groups: Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 received traditional needle syringe anesthesia, while Group 2 received the needle-less injection system, Injex (INJEX Pharma AG, Germany). Following topical anesthesia application, local anesthesia was administered, and indirect pulp capping was performed. The Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale (FLACC), Wong-Baker Scale, Time of local anesthesia (LA) Administration, Frankl Behavior Rating Scale (FBRS), and Pulse rate were evaluated and recorded at various intervals. The needle-less injection system required approximately 26.2 seconds for anesthesia administration, significantly less time than the traditional syringe (p < 0.001). FBRS score analysis revealed no significant differences between groups at all intervals. FLACC score analysis during anesthesia administration indicated lower scores in the needle-free injection group (p < 0.001). Evaluation of Wong Baker Scale (WBS) scores showed higher values in the traditional syringe needle group (p < 0.05). Using the Injex system presents a promising alternative for dental anesthesia administration, enhancing patient comfort and alleviating fear associated with traditional injections.


Injex; Needle-free injection; Local anesthesia; Needleless anesthesia; Pain

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Nassreen H Albar,Prabhadevi C Maganur,Areej Ali Hasan Alsaeedi,Basmah Hakam Ali Mahdi,Shroog Ali Almasoudi,Suman Panda,Ahad Hasan M Gharawi,Hind Taher Modrba,Reem Hassan Kelani,Lamis Yahya Muthaffar,Mohammed B Hakami,Satish Vishwanathaiah. Effectiveness of a needle-free local anesthetic technique compared to the traditional syringe technique for the restoration of young permanent molars: a single-blind randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2024. 48(6);107-116.


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