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Orofacial manifestations and dental treatment considerations in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex: a case report

  • Yen-Cheng Chen1
  • Chia-Ling Tsai2,*,

1Department of dentistry, Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital, 802301 Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, 833401 Kaohsiung, Taiwan

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2025.019 Vol.49,Issue 1,January 2025 pp.177-184

Submitted: 16 March 2024 Accepted: 06 June 2024

Published: 03 January 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Chia-Ling Tsai E-mail:


Background: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC1/TSC2, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) # 191100/613254) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the development of benign tumors in multiple organs, and its diagnosis is based on both genetic testing and clinical evaluation. The severity of TSC varies significantly, from being asymptomatic to posing potential life-threatening risks. Case: This study reports a case of TSC exhibiting all orofacial diagnostic features, illustrates detailed characteristics of these features clinically and histologically, and discusses the additional considerations or pitfalls for diagnosing TSC based solely on orofacial manifestations. The case also inspires the importance of detecting and managing the central cusp in TSC patients, showcasing its potential to spark new research directions in TSC within dentistry. Conclusions: By promptly and accurately identifying the orofacial diagnostic features of TSC, dental practitioners can offer effective dental treatment planning for such patients and potentially aid in the early diagnosis of TSC, thereby enhancing the patient’s overall prognosis.


Tuberous sclerosis complex; Orofacial manifestation; Early diagnosis; Dental treatment; Central cusp

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Yen-Cheng Chen,Chia-Ling Tsai. Orofacial manifestations and dental treatment considerations in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2025. 49(1);177-184.


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