Article Type
Special Issue
Endodontic Treatment of Primary Molars with Antibiotic Paste: A Report of 38 Cases
1Federal University of Piauí, UFPI, Teresina, Brazil
*Corresponding Author(s): Lúcia de Fátima Almeida de Deus Moura E-mail: mouraiso@uol.com.br
Objective: This study presents 38 cases of primary molars with necrotic pulps treated with antibiotics-based paste. Case report: The technique consisted of necrotic tissue removal of the pulp chamber, using spoons excavators and low speed drills. Pulp cavity was washed with saline solution and dried with sterile cotton balls. Then an antibiotic paste composed of chloramphenicol, tetracycline, zinc oxide and eugenol – CTZ paste – was inserted at the entrance of root canals. Patients were evaluated clinically and radiographically at different times. The criteria that defined clinical success were the lack of periapical abscess and mobility compatible with chronological age. Radiographic assessments consisted in absence of radiolucency in the region of root bifurcation and pathological bone resorption. Conclusion: There were 100% and 93% of clinical and radiographic success, respectively. The results suggest that the CTZ paste is an optional therapy for pulp of primary molars.
pediatric dentistry, primary teeth, pulpectomy, root canal filling materials
Lúcia de Fátima Almeida de Deus Moura,Marina de Deus Moura de Lima,Cacilda Castelo Branco Lima,Jessa Iashmin Alcobaça Gomes Machado,Marcoeli Silva de Moura,Paulo Vasconcelos de Carvalho. Endodontic Treatment of Primary Molars with Antibiotic Paste: A Report of 38 Cases. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(3);175-177.
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