Vol.25,Issue 4,October 2001

Original Research

Open Access

Wear of resin-modified glass ionomers : an in vitro study

Masato Futatsuki,Miyuki Nozawa,Tetsuro Ogata,Minoru Nakata

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.w05l3m2316557740

Abstract ( 946 ) PDF (56.98 kB) ( 148 ) Full Text

Open Access

Hyper-IgE syndrome: a case report

E. Sepet,D. Özdemir,N. Aksakalli,G. Külekçig

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.7t51n4k40337l282

Abstract ( 1006 ) PDF (88.4 kB) ( 183 ) Full Text

Open Access

Pediatric dental procedures under general anesthesia at the Amiri hospital in Kuwait

Hamijeta Ibricevic,Qumasha Al-Jame,Sisko Honkala

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.fl062x558qtt4v69

Abstract ( 896 ) PDF (58.08 kB) ( 155 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Restoration of a fractured primary incisor

Martin Romero,Manuel Saez,Carmen Cabrerizo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.8474180h3w521325

Abstract ( 849 ) PDF (50.88 kB) ( 128 ) Full Text

Open Access

Focal dermal hypoplasia: management of complex dental features

L.X.G. Stephen,N. Behardien,P. Beighton

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.y777413x2136m041

Abstract ( 980 ) PDF (54.53 kB) ( 118 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oligodontia: a case report

Fatma Ünalan,Is¸in Ulukapi,Juliana Bakirgil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.v41t0n2528770u73

Abstract ( 1039 ) PDF (46.85 kB) ( 160 ) Full Text

Open Access

Pseudo-class III treatment with reverse traction: case report

Ary dos Santos-Pinto,Ricardo Fabris Paulin,Ana Cláudia Moreira Melo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.521q70783h23j463

Abstract ( 900 ) PDF (152.8 kB) ( 136 ) Full Text

Open Access

The functional treatment of anterior-open bite: three case reports

Banu Dinçer,Serpil Hazar

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.m757h85mwvx280r7

Abstract ( 1016 ) PDF (225.93 kB) ( 186 ) Full Text

Open Access

Sotos syndrome with enamel hypoplasia: a case report

Mikiko Inokuchi,Jouji Nomura,Yoshihiko Mtsumura,Motoko Sekida,Toshiro Tagawa

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.n52851t26173843u

Abstract ( 912 ) PDF (53.25 kB) ( 130 ) Full Text

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