Vol.29,Issue 2,April 2005

Original Research

Open Access

Use of orthopedic finger distractor for facial asymmetry correction

Ajoy Roychoudhury,Puneet Batra

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.bq3620225611203u

Abstract ( 908 ) PDF (203.95 kB) ( 124 ) Full Text

Open Access

Managing morphologically atypical impacted teeth orthodontically

Puneet Batra,Ritu Duggal,Hari Parkash

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.b208l383k15n4t28

Abstract ( 952 ) PDF (403.84 kB) ( 114 ) Full Text

Open Access

Treatment strategy for patients with ectodermal dysplasia: a case report

Jack W. Martin,Nicholas Tselios,Mark S. Chambers

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.581h744407r055r3

Abstract ( 1026 ) PDF (198.24 kB) ( 151 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral defensiveness: children with a dysfunction of sensory regulation

Geela Spira,Ari Kupietzky

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.cgp2830l073vh358

Abstract ( 955 ) PDF (85.56 kB) ( 152 ) Full Text

Open Access

Clinical evaluation of three different materials used as pit and fissure sealant: 24-months results

Vanessa Pardi,Antonio Carlos Pereira,Gláucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano,Marcelo de Castro Meneghim

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.e44h17387x324345

Abstract ( 1001 ) PDF (100.5 kB) ( 184 ) Full Text

Open Access

Alveolar bone loss in the primary dentition: state of the art

Viviane Santos da Silva Pierro,Ivete Pomarico Ribeiro de Souza

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.n5370p65p2402866

Abstract ( 1098 ) PDF (89.44 kB) ( 121 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effects of plaque disclosing agents on esthetic restorative materials used in pediatric dentistry

Débora Maki Hino,Fausto Medeiros Mendes,José Luiz Guimarães de Figueiredo,Katya Luce Moura Naves Gomide,José Carlos Pettorossi Imparato

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.747077811r6m60t5

Abstract ( 894 ) PDF (87.28 kB) ( 130 ) Full Text

Open Access

Enamel opacities removal using two different acids: an in vivo comparison

Ana Cristina Barreto Bezerra,Soraya Coelho Leal,Simone Auxiliadora Moraes Otero,Danuze Batista Lamas Gravina,Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel,Orlando Ayrton de Toledo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.f276g750j7291818

Abstract ( 902 ) PDF (142.79 kB) ( 161 ) Full Text

Open Access

Maxillary incisor palatal erosion: no correlation with dietary

R.G. Chadwick,H.L. Mitchell,S.L. Manton,S.Ward,S. Ogston,R. Brown

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.g413861067g2g884

Abstract ( 1029 ) PDF (105.35 kB) ( 161 ) Full Text

Open Access

Panoramic radiographs: determination of mandibular steepness

Elham S.J. Abu Alhaija

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.q4501432454g0763

Abstract ( 939 ) PDF (72.2 kB) ( 141 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral soft tissue lesions in Greek children and adolescents: a retrospective analysis over a 32-year period

Alexandra Sklavounou-Andrikopoulou,Evangelia Piperi,Vassilis Papanikolaou,Ion Karakoulakis

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.21184130718243r2

Abstract ( 1029 ) PDF (134.19 kB) ( 149 ) Full Text

Open Access

Fetal intermediate rhabdomyoma of the lip: case report

José Martín Toranzo Fernández,Marco Antonio Metlich Medlich,Luis Horacio Rojas López,César Federico Gutiérrez Loredo,Lizzete Claudia Ortiz Luque

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.am6558832l731tt2

Abstract ( 853 ) PDF (155.17 kB) ( 130 ) Full Text

Open Access

Bilateral protrusion of the buccal fat pad into the mouth of an infant: report of a case

Bianca Marques Santiago,Licínia Maria Damasceno,Laura Guimarães Primo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.l72v316uk2434lu0

Abstract ( 954 ) PDF (175.39 kB) ( 151 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

A vacuum-formed splint for luxated tooth with a repositioning on the model

Norio Horie,T. Shimoyama,Y. Nama,D. Nasu,T. Kaneko

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.b1l241m5744v16q2

Abstract ( 1019 ) PDF (152.89 kB) ( 147 ) Full Text

Open Access

Tooth loss and subluxation in the primary dentition: a twelveyear follow-up case report

Maria Salete Nahas Pires Correa,Luciana Faria Sanglard Peixoto,Cristina Giovanetti Del Conde Zardetto,Fernanda Nahas Pires Correa,Celia Regina Martins Delgado Rodrigues

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.u1651574w23751w1

Abstract ( 968 ) PDF (176.15 kB) ( 129 ) Full Text

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