Vol.48,Issue 5,September 2024


Open Access

Current reviews in pediatric dentistry

Andrea Scribante,Maurizio Pascadopoli

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.098

Abstract ( 986 ) PDF (264.18 kB) ( 255 ) Full Text

Systematic Reviews

Open Access

Orthodontic treatment in patients with atypical swallowing and malocclusion: a systematic review

Alessio Danilo Inchingolo,Angelo Michele Inchingolo,Merigrazia Campanelli,Vincenzo Carpentiere,Elisabetta de Ruvo,Laura Ferrante,Andrea Palermo,Francesco Inchingolo,Gianna Dipalma

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.100

Abstract ( 1140 ) PDF (3.26 MB) ( 262 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in arresting coronal dental caries in children and adolescents: a systematic review

Satish Vishwanathaiah,Prabhadevi C Maganur,Ather Ahmed Syed,Ateet Kakti,Atlal Hassan Hussain Jaafari,Dhalia H Albar,Apathsakayan Renugalakshmi,Ganesh Jeevanandan,Zohaib Khurshid,Hosam Ali Baeshen,Shankargouda Patil

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.101

Abstract ( 1078 ) PDF (1.28 MB) ( 274 ) Full Text

Open Access

Sleep bruxism in children main methods of treatment: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Giuseppe Minervini,Rocco Franco,Maria Maddalena Marrapodi,Salvatore Crimi,Luca Fiorillo,Gabriele Cervino,Alberto Bianchi,Marco Cicciù

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.102

Abstract ( 1366 ) PDF (1,023.47 kB) ( 290 ) Full Text

Open Access

Comparative anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis efficiency of Triphala versus chlorhexidine mouthwashes in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Giuseppe Minervini,Maria Maddalena Marrapodi,Sunnypriyatham Tirupathi,Lamea Afnan,Marco Di Blasio,Gabriele Cervino,Gaetano Isola,Marco Cicciù

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.103

Abstract ( 986 ) PDF (19.83 MB) ( 240 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Effect of adding sodium fluoride and nano-hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to the universal adhesive on bond strength and microleakage on caries-affected primary molars

Faisal Ali bin Abbooud AlQhtani,Anshad M. Abdulla,Muhammad Abdullah Kamran,Norhayati Luddin,Rawa Kamal Abdelrahim,Abdulaziz Samran,Galiah Husam AlJefri,Fayez Hussain Niazi

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.106

Abstract ( 843 ) PDF (4.94 MB) ( 235 ) Full Text

Open Access

Periodontal health and oral hygiene of children with orofacial clefts in Eastern China

Cong Li,Ling-fa Xue,Yao-xiang Xu,Jin Yue,Jin-ze Zhao,Wen-lin Xiao

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.107

Abstract ( 715 ) PDF (1.9 MB) ( 194 ) Full Text

Open Access

Cyclic fatigue resistance of two pediatric rotary files manufactured with different heat treatments: an in-vitro study

Krisna Lorena Sandino-Lacayo,Marina Vega-González,Ana Isabel Soza-Bolaños,Laura Celeste Herrera-Alaniz,Taher Al Omari,Rubén Abraham Domínguez-Pérez

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.109

Abstract ( 814 ) PDF (8.99 MB) ( 193 ) Full Text

Open Access

Comparison between clear aligners and twin-block in treating class II malocclusion in children: a retrospective study

Jianfang He,Longshuang Hu,Yan Yuan,Peipei Wang,Feifei Zheng,Han Jiang,Wen Li

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.070

Abstract ( 4073 ) PDF (1.03 MB) ( 527 ) Full Text

Open Access

The impact of clinical audit on antibiotic prescribing in dental practice at Taibah University Dental Hospital

Soha F Alqadi,Sarah A Almuzaini,Amnah A Algarni,Yosra Ayed,Nuha S Alghamdi,Tasneem Sakinatul Ain

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.113

Abstract ( 753 ) PDF (687.13 kB) ( 184 ) Full Text

Open Access

Temporal variation in the oral microbiome and the prediction of early childhood caries in different ethnicities

Chongqing Yu,Donghui Li,Duo Chen,Chengdong Zheng,Yi Qian,Xuedi Qiu,Xiaoyu Zha,Xiaorui Gou,Zheng Zhou,Yufeng Shen

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.114

Abstract ( 845 ) PDF (7.33 MB) ( 202 ) Full Text

Open Access

Cytotoxicity of two fluoride-releasing adhesive tapes

Seo-Rin Jeong,Yong Kwon Chae,Ok Hyung Nam,Tae-Young Park,Jonghyun Shin,Myeong-Kwan Jih

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.115

Abstract ( 805 ) PDF (6.76 MB) ( 171 ) Full Text

Open Access

Can silver diamine fluoride reduce invasive treatments with general anesthesia?

Jean Marie Star,Pardis Lipkin,Kristin S. Hoeft,Jing Cheng,Ling Zhan

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.117

Abstract ( 855 ) PDF (1.43 MB) ( 205 ) Full Text

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