Vol.39,Issue 2,March 2015


Open Access

Oral Manifestations of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 in Children with Facial Plexiform Neurofibroma: Report of Three Cases

Cunha KS,Rozza-de-Menezes RE,Andrade RM,Almeida LMS,Janini MER,Geller M

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.972220046g774534

Abstract ( 1357 ) PDF (1.07 MB) ( 212 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Reduction in Bacterial Loading Using MTAD as an Irrigant in Pulpectomized Primary Teeth

Farhin K,Viral PM,Thejokrishna P,Sajjad M

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.r1235327331r26hn

Abstract ( 1315 ) PDF (741.55 kB) ( 204 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral Health Knowledge of Pregnant Women on Pregnancy Gingivitis and Children’s Oral Health

Zhong C,M a KN,Wong YS,So Y,Lee PC,Yang Y

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.n66w635638w643n7

Abstract ( 1712 ) PDF (313.32 kB) ( 231 ) Full Text

Open Access

Giving a Second Thought to Brisement Force – A Case Report

Thakur R,Shigli AL,Thakur G,Ahuja R

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.952173v351738053

Abstract ( 1260 ) PDF (2.26 MB) ( 148 ) Full Text

Open Access

Clinical Usefulness of Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway for Anesthesia during Dental Procedures in Children

Young-Jae Kim,Hong-Keun Hyun,Jung-Wook Kim,Ki-Taeg Jang,Sang-Hoon Lee,Chong-Chul Kim,Teo Jeon Shin,Yong-Seo Koo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.a0x2t7427m08w245

Abstract ( 1082 ) PDF (287.81 kB) ( 147 ) Full Text

Open Access

Maxillary Dental Anomalies in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study

Celikoglu M,Buyuk SK,Sekerci AE,Cantekin K,Candirli C

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.t623u7495h07522r

Abstract ( 1284 ) PDF (266.32 kB) ( 178 ) Full Text

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