Vol.44,Issue 3,May 2020

Original Research

Open Access

Caregivers’ Perceptions Regarding Oral Health Status of Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy

Cristiana Pereira Malta,Gabriele Groehs Guerreiro,Natali Marchezan Dornelles,Clandio Timm Marques,Juliana Saibt Martins,Letícia Westphalen Bento

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.5

Abstract ( 1162 ) PDF (347.69 kB) ( 177 ) Full Text

Open Access

Neural Network Detection and Segmentation of Mental Foramen in Panoramic Imaging

Lazar Kats,MarilenaVered,Sigalit Blumer, Eytan Kats

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.6

Abstract ( 1196 ) PDF (774.17 kB) ( 191 ) Full Text

Open Access

Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant in Pulpectomized Primary Molars – A Preliminary Report

Viral P Maru,Dimple Padawe,Vandana Pandey Tripathi,Vilas Takate,Kishor Dighe,Shraddha Vishwanath Dalvi

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7

Abstract ( 1352 ) PDF (328.53 kB) ( 243 ) Full Text

Open Access

Genetic Polymorphisms in ACTN3 Contribute to the Etiology of Bruxism in Children

Calvano Küchler E,Arid J,Palinkas M,Ayumi Omori M,de Lara RM,Napolitano Gonçalves LM,Hallak Regalo SC,Paes Torres Mantovani C,Rezende Vieira A,Diaz-Serrano K

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.8

Abstract ( 1215 ) PDF (361.36 kB) ( 233 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral Findings in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Emil Korporowicz,Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk,Maja Lipiec, Monika Słowińska,Dariusz Gozdowski,Sergiusz Jóźwiak

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.10

Abstract ( 1408 ) PDF (1.02 MB) ( 245 ) Full Text

Open Access

Comparison of Treatment Effects with Modified C-Palatal Plates vs Greenfield Molar Distalizer Appliances in Adolescents

Mohammed Alfaifi,Jae Hyun Park,Kiyoshi Tai,Ja Hyeong Ku,Nikhilesh R Vaid,Yoon-Ah Kook,Ahmed M Shoaib,Mohamed Bayome

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.12

Abstract ( 1302 ) PDF (972.11 kB) ( 236 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Delayed Spontaneous Eruption of Severely Infraoccluded Primary Second Molar: Two Case Reports

Na-Young Oh,Soon-Hyeun Nam,Jae-Sik Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.9

Abstract ( 1434 ) PDF (2.25 MB) ( 280 ) Full Text

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