Vol.43,Issue 3,May 2019


Open Access

Will Dentistry Survive the Twenty-First Century?

Marc Saadia,Roberto Valencia,Victor Saadia

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.13

Abstract ( 943 ) PDF (298.52 kB) ( 141 ) Full Text


Open Access

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type II in Children: A Scoping Review

Arturo Garrocho-Rangel,Irma Dávila-Zapata,Ricardo Martínez-Rider,Socorro Ruiz-Rodríguez,Amaury Pozos-Guillén

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.1

Abstract ( 2199 ) PDF (488.48 kB) ( 591 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Dental Anxiety among Israeli Postgraduate Pediatric Dental Students and their Instructors

Sigalit Blumer,Diana Ram,Liora Costa,Benjamin Peretz

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.3

Abstract ( 1120 ) PDF (482.28 kB) ( 204 ) Full Text

Open Access

Cariogenic Potential of Infant Formulas–An in Vitro Study

Nurit Dagon,Ronit Bar-Ness Greenstein,Yardena Mazor,Tal Ratson

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.6

Abstract ( 1148 ) PDF (436.33 kB) ( 183 ) Full Text

Open Access

Molar Incisor Hypomineralization in Colombia: Prevalence, Severity And Associated Risk Factors

Mejía JD,Restrepo M,González S,Álvarez LG,Santos-Pinto L,Escobar A

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.7

Abstract ( 1208 ) PDF (411.28 kB) ( 243 ) Full Text

Open Access

Assessing the Effect of Low Calorie Soda Beverages on Primary Tooth Enamel: An In Vitro Study

Alexandra Korte,Matina V Angelopoulou,Georgios Maroulakos

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.8

Abstract ( 1222 ) PDF (501.55 kB) ( 235 ) Full Text

Open Access

An Algorithm for Managing Emergent Dental Conditions for Children

Beau D Meyer,Paul Casamassimo,William F Vann. Jr

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.10

Abstract ( 1047 ) PDF (1.04 MB) ( 154 ) Full Text

Open Access

The Impact of Mixed Dentition Malocclusion on the Oral Health- Related Quality of Life for Children and Their Families: A Case- Control Study

Eluza Piassi,Leonardo Santos Antunes,Tereza Cristina Almeida Graça,Lívia Azeredo Alves Antunes

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.12

Abstract ( 1128 ) PDF (447.35 kB) ( 232 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Pediatric Maxillary Osteomyelitis: A Case Report of a Rare Entity

Goetz Wehl,Veit Zimmermann,Thomas Meyer,Wolfgang Beinborn,Andreas Gaumann,Markus Rauchenzauner

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.9

Abstract ( 1092 ) PDF (564.28 kB) ( 191 ) Full Text

Open Access

Developmental Disturbance of a Maxillary Permanent Lateral Incisor Following Trauma at the Age of 16 Months: A 6 Year Follow- Up

Sreekanth K Mallineni,Hessa Al-Mulla,Robert P Anthonappa,Joseph CY Chan,Nigel M King

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.3.11

Abstract ( 1126 ) PDF (421.2 kB) ( 156 ) Full Text

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