Vol.48,Issue 1,January 2024

Original Research

Open Access

The influence of orthopedic rapid maxillary expansion on the deviation of the nasal septum

Hande Uzunçıbuk,Maria Maddalena Marrapodi,Luca Fiorillo,Aida Meto,Marco Cicciù,Giuseppe Minervini

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.002

Abstract ( 2475 ) PDF (657.63 kB) ( 445 ) Full Text

Open Access

Dental problems in children with autism: a 5-year study

Paola Martina Marra,Luca Fiorillo,Gabriele Cervino,Cesare D’Amico,Salvatore Crimi,Aida Meto,Giuseppe Minervini,Marco Cicciù

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.004

Abstract ( 2727 ) PDF (533.43 kB) ( 503 ) Full Text

Open Access

Investigating the relationship between dental cavities and protective factors among children aged 0–5 years

Marlene Dontsop,Kyle Nwankwo,Riva Walker,Christianna Potter,Chau-Kuang Chen,Ruth Bol,Lisa Sherden,Pandu R Gangula,Cherae Farmer-Dixon

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.008

Abstract ( 2479 ) PDF (2.8 MB) ( 343 ) Full Text

Open Access

The efficacy of hypnosis compared with the tell/show/do technique for the reduction of anxiety/pain in children undergoing pulpotomies: a randomized controlled trial

Claudia Butrón-Téllez Girón,Alejandra Ramírez-Carrasco,Omar Sánchez-Armass Cappello,Amaury Pozos-Guillén,Mauricio Pierdant-Pérez

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.009

Abstract ( 2926 ) PDF (2.44 MB) ( 535 ) Full Text

Open Access

Timing for extraction of permanent first molars in school aged children: a pilot study

Meltem Bakkal,Berza Yilmaz,Mustafa Sarp Kaya,Tugba Unver,Pinar Kinay Taran,Serife Ozdemir

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.010

Abstract ( 2352 ) PDF (597.08 kB) ( 354 ) Full Text

Open Access

Biodentine as a pulpotomy medicament for primary molars: a retrospective chart review

Ying An,Margaret Ferretti,Rachel Bresler,Emily Pham,Gerald A. Ferretti

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.011

Abstract ( 2734 ) PDF (1,016.37 kB) ( 465 ) Full Text

Open Access

Exploring Malaysian schoolchildren's perception of the advantages and disadvantages of the ToothPoly board game: a qualitative study

Nor Fatimah Syahraz Abdul Razakek,Zamros Yuzadi Mohd Yusof,Farrah Dina Yusop,Unaizah Hanum Obaidellah,Amirrudin Kamsin,Nor Azlida Mohd Nor

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.096

Abstract ( 2522 ) PDF (4.55 MB) ( 298 ) Full Text

Open Access

Potential risk of dental fluorosis associated with different baby formulas and water brands marketed in Spain

Sandra M Gallego-Reyes,Jaime A Cury,Amparo Pérez-Silva,Clara Serna-Muñoz,Icíar Fernández-Pizarro,Yolanda Martínez-Beneyto,Antonio J Ortiz-Ruiz

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.013

Abstract ( 2165 ) PDF (326.29 kB) ( 324 ) Full Text

Open Access

Digitally driven surgical guide planning

Chenchen Zhang,Chi Song,Dong Wang,Tingyi Gao,Jie Li,Dongkun Yang,Chang Liu,Yue Du,Kai Zhang

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.014

Abstract ( 1545 ) PDF (6.52 MB) ( 265 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral health related knowledge, attitude and behavior among group of mothers in relation to their primary school children's oral health: a cross-sectional study

Nada O. Bamashmous,Eman A. El Ashiry,Najlaa M. Alamoudi,Dhuha K Qahtan,Rana A. Alamoudi,Osama M. Felemban

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.017

Abstract ( 2398 ) PDF (330.57 kB) ( 343 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral health knowledge, attitude and practice among parents of children with craniofacial syndromes

Nurul Asyiqin Rosnan,Nur Faiqah A’ntasha Mohamad Faithal,Nurul Zeety Azizi,Firdaus Hariri,Norli Anida Abdullah

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.018

Abstract ( 2068 ) PDF (6.63 MB) ( 250 ) Full Text

Open Access

A study on related factors affecting dental fear in preschool children

Ruobing Peng,Linhua Liu,Youjian Peng,Jun Li,Tiantian Mao

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.020

Abstract ( 2054 ) PDF (305.39 kB) ( 290 ) Full Text

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